Singing Guide: Sheriff

Singing Guide: Sheriff

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sheriff is known for his powerful and raspy voice, which embodies the grit and intensity of blues and rock music. If you aspire to sing like him, here are some tips and resources to get started:

Understanding Sheriff's vocal technique

To emulate Sheriff's singing style, here are some key elements to focus on:

Breath control

Sheriff delivers his vocals with a controlled, sustained breath, allowing him to hold notes with power and intensity. To achieve this, try exercises like the Farinelli Breathing video from Singing Carrots.


Sheriff's voice has a gritty and rough texture, which comes from his ability to enhance his natural resonance. To work on your own resonance, check out the Resonance in singing article from Singing Carrots.

Vocal distortion

Sheriff often uses vocal distortion techniques to add grit and raspy textures to his singing. To learn how to add similar techniques to your own voice, see the Vocal distortion & Growling article from Singing Carrots.

Songs to showcase Sheriff's style

Here are some iconic Sheriff songs that showcase his unique vocal technique:

  • Devil Inside
  • Love Runs Wild
  • Hand In Hand

Listen to them on Singing Carrots’ song-book and try singing along while focusing on the elements above.

Practical advice

Here are some practical tips to keep in mind as you work on your Sheriff-inspired singing:

Warm up thoroughly before practicing

To keep your voice healthy, make sure you warm up your vocal cords before practicing. Try the 3 Minute Warm Up video from Singing Carrots for a quick and effective routine.

Pay attention to posture and breathing

Proper posture and breathing are critical elements of good singing. Make sure to sit or stand up straight and focus on diaphragmatic breathing to deliver your voice with power and expression. Learn more about posture in Singing Carrots’ How posture affects your singing article.

Listen to yourself

It’s important to listen to your own voice and analyze it to identify areas of improvement. Use Singing Carrots’ Pitch accuracy test and Vocal Pitch Monitor tools to improve your pitch accuracy and monitor your progress.

Take breaks

Don't overuse your voice. Take breaks often, especially if you feel fatigue, hoarseness, or any pain in your throat. Learn how to protect your voice with Singing Carrots’ Vocal health article.

Singing Carrots resources

Finally, keep in mind that Singing Carrots has many resources to help you learn to sing like a pro. Take advantage of our Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to improve your ear training and pitch accuracy. Search for songs based on your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty on our song search page. And, if you're serious about taking your singing to the next level, enroll in Singing Carrots’ educational singing course to get a comprehensive introduction to singing theory and practical tips.

Good luck on your singing journey, and remember to enjoy the process!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.