Singing Guide: Sheppard

Singing Guide: Sheppard

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to sing like Sheppard: Tips and Resources

If you're a fan of Sheppard's music, you might be wondering how to develop your singing skills to match the band's unique style. Sheppard is an Australian band that has made impressive strides in pop music with their catchy tunes and vocal harmonies comprising of three to five voices. The band's distinctive sound is unmistakable and stems from their ability to blend their voices and create a wall of sound.

Learn About Vocal Harmony and Blend

Sheppard's signature sound is created from the group's unique vocal blend. This vocal blend is created through tight harmonies, which is when different voices sing different notes simultaneously. Harmonies are essential in pop music, and learning how to blend your voice with others will help you produce an unforgettable vocal sound.

To learn more about harmonies, check out this article on vocal harmony and voice blending.

Vocal Warm-Ups

Vocal warm-ups are essential for keeping your voice in top shape. They also help to increase your vocal range and flexibility while reducing the risk of injury. You can warm up your voice by using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game, where you can practice matching pitch, improving your tone, and increasing your range.

Work on Your Breathing and Breath Support

Breathing plays an essential role in singing, and it's especially vital when it comes to sustaining long notes or phrases. To sing like Sheppard, you need to focus on your breath support and control. You can learn more about breath support by checking out this article on breath support by Singing Carrots.

Practice Song Intonation

Intonation is the ability to sing in tune. It's an essential skill for any singer, and it's especially crucial if you want to learn to sing like Sheppard. You can improve your intonation by trying out Singing Carrots' Pitch accuracy test.

Additionally, it's essential to develop your listening skills. By listening to Sheppard's songs closely, you'll be able to identify and replicate their unique sound.


Posture plays a crucial role in singing and affects your voice's resonance, phonation, and pitch. Therefore, it would be best if you worked on developing good posture before you start to sing. You can learn more about good posture by reading this article on how posture affects your singing by Singing Carrots.

Sheppard Vocal Techniques

Sheppard's vocal techniques involve belting, singing in unison with the percussion, and different harmonies styles. Belting is a technique that involves singing at a high volume and pitch.

To learn more about belting and other contemporary vocal techniques, check out this article by Singing Carrots on Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting.

Songs to Practice

These songs showcase Sheppard's unique vocal style and are great for practicing:

  • Geronimo
  • Coming Home
  • Keep Me Crazy
  • Die Young

Singing Carrots Resources to Help Practice Sheppard Songs

To improve your singing skills while practicing Sheppard songs, you can use Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor. This tool allows you to see your sung notes on a virtual piano, helping you match pitch and stay in tune.

You can also find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference using Singing Carrots' Song search tool.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Sheppard requires a combination of vocal techniques, music theory knowledge and lots of practice. Use the Singing Carrots resources, tips, and practical advice outlined above to take the first steps to reach your goal.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.