Singing Guide: September

Singing Guide: September

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

September is a Swedish singer, known for her distinctive and versatile vocal quality. Her unique singing style combines pop, rock and soul, creating an inimitable sound that has captivated many fans around the world. In this article, we'll explore September's singing technique and provide some tips for aspiring singers on how to learn to sing like her.

One of September's signature vocal qualities is her ability to transition between different parts of her range smoothly. She often incorporates vocal runs and vibrato into her melodies, adding a layer of emotional depth to her performances. To learn how to sing like September, it's important to work on developing your vocal range and control. Singing exercises like the Farinelli Breathing exercise and the Comfort Zone exercise can help you improve your breathing and vocal agility, respectively.

Another key aspect of September's singing style is her use of belting. Belting is a technique used by singers to project their voice and increase their volume, and September is a master of it. To sing like her, it's important to work on your breath support and resonance. Singing exercises like the Sustain Vocal and Vocal Range Test can help you develop awareness of your breath and tone.

When it comes to the songs showcasing September's unique vocal technique, "Cry for You" is definitely a great example. The song features her signature vibrato and melodic runs, as well as her powerful belting. The song "Satellites" is also a great example, as it showcases her ability to transition smoothly between lower and higher parts of her range.

To summarize, singing like September requires a combination of techniques, ranging from developing your range and control to working on your resonance and belting. By practicing singing exercises like those provided by Singing Carrots and listening to her music closely, you can learn to sing like September and tap into your own unique vocal potential.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.