Singing Guide: Santigold

Singing Guide: Santigold

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Santigold is a unique and influential singer in the world of indie music. Her music has been described as a blend of several genres, including punk, reggae, and new wave. What makes Santigold stand out is her powerful, expressive voice and her ability to experiment with different sounds and styles.

If you want to learn how to sing like Santigold, you should start by practicing breath control. Santigold's voice is known for its strength and clarity, and this is achieved in part through proper breathing techniques. Singing exercises like the Farinelli Breathing video posted on Singing Carrots can help you build your breath control and support.

Another key aspect of Santigold's singing style is her use of unconventional melodies and vocal inflections. She often employs unexpected rhythms and vocal slides to add interest to her music. In order to learn how to sing like her, it's important to develop your own sense of musicality and creativity. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training game is an educational tool that can help you develop your ear for music and improve your improvisation and creativity.

Santigold is also known for her versatile vocal range. She can sing both high and low notes with equal precision and power. To achieve this kind of vocal agility, it's important to practice exercises that help you expand your vocal range, such as the Vocal Range Test available on Singing Carrots. Additionally, the Pitch Accuracy Test can help you develop your pitch precision and accuracy.

Finally, to fully capture Santigold's unique style, you'll need to work on developing your own personal style. Singing Carrots' articles on singing with emotion, learning a song effectively and singing with authenticity can help you develop your individual style and expression.

To sum up, if you want to learn how to sing like Santigold, you'll need to focus on developing your breath control, expanding your vocal range, and developing your personal style and creativity. By utilizing Singing Carrots resources such as the Pitch Training game, respiratory exercises, and pitch accuracy tests, you'll be on your way to capturing Santigold's unique style and establishing your own distinct voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.