Singing Guide: Sammy Hagar

Singing Guide: Sammy Hagar

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Sammy Hagar

Sammy Hagar is a rock icon from California, famous for his high-energy performances and unique vocal style. In this guide, we'll explore how to develop the skills necessary to sing like Sammy Hagar, incorporating useful tips and Singing Carrots resources along the way.

Understand Your Voice

Before you begin to learn how to sing like Sammy Hagar, it's essential to understand your voice. Take the Vocal Range Test on Singing Carrots to determine your voice type, range, and compare it to Sammy Hagar's vocal range. Understanding your vocal range is essential because Sammy Hagar sings primarily in the tenor range.

Vocal Range Test

Stamina and Breathing Basics

Sammy Hagar's music requires a lot of energy from the singer. Rock music is quite demanding regarding vocal endurance, and being able to breathe correctly is key. Read the articles on Singing Carrots about Breathing Basics, Breath Support, and Passive Breathing before singing Sammy Hagar's songs.

Add Twang to Your Voice

Sammy Hagar's signature twang is his most identifiable vocal technique. The use of twang can give that punch to the vocal style that Hagar is so famous for. Here's a video tutorial to introduce twang into your singing style:

Develop Chest Voice

Sammy Hagar's singing style primarily uses a chest voice. In the Growing Up / Tenderness song from Hagar, there is a powerful use of chest voice. So read the article on Singing with Chest Voice on Singing Carrots. This video will also give you some good insight:

Sing With Vibrato

Sammy Hagar's vocal style also incorporates vibrato. Vibrato is a technique that adds a beautiful, wavering quality to the pitch, making the voice sound more expressive. Thus, reading the article on Singing with Vibrato on Singing Carrots is critical. You may also check out these videos to develop vibrato:

Sammy Hagar's Song Catalog

Sammy Hagar's songs perfectly showcase his vocal range and technique. To practice, start with simpler rhythmic numbers such as I Can't Drive 55, and after achieving proficiency, aiming for more challenging songs such as Mas Tequila or Heavy Metal. You can search for Sammy Hagar songs matching your vocal range and difficulty level on the Song Search page on Singing Carrots. Remember to learn the melody of the song first, and gradually add the lyrics. Here's an article on How to Learn a Song Effectively:

Sammy Hagar's songs catalogue


Follow these techniques and make sure to practice regularly. With persistence, patience, and the help of Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like Sammy Hagar in no time. Rock on!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.