Singing Guide: SONICFLOOd

Singing Guide: SONICFLOOd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn singing like SONICFLOOd, you need to pay attention to the band's unique vocal style. The group was known for its profound spiritual themes and excellent harmony. In this article, we will explore remarkable vocal techniques of SONICFLOOd and how you can attain similar skills.

David Crowder of SONICFLOOd advised singers to search for a natural voice by striving for vocal control but without forcing the voice. Having a relaxed and authentic voice helps create a more genuine connection with the audience.

SONICFLOOd emphasizes the importance of breath control and maintaining correct posture.

The vocal exercises in the following videos help singers with breath support and control:

You can also find more information on breath support and avoiding constrictions on this Singing Carrots article.

You can also read this Singing Carrots article to learn more about how posture affects singing.

SONICFLOOd's singers used their mix voice to sing most of the songs, and they transitioned into their chest voice during certain parts of the song.

The following exercises will aid in hitting high notes and making that smooth transition from chest to mix voice can be:

For more information on voice registers, including explanations and the vocal break, check out this Singing Carrots article.

Warming up your voice is crucial before any singing performance. SONICFLOOd singers recommend a warm-up routine that involves vocalizing scales with vowel sounds, tongue twisters, and articulation.

These vocal warm-up exercises can help:

You can also read more about articulation in singing on this Singing Carrots article.

SONICFLOOd had quite a number of songs over the years. Some of the songs to keep in mind to practice unique vocal skills showcased by the group include:

  • SONICFLOOd - Open the Eyes of My Heart
  • SONICFLOOd - I Want to Know You
  • SONICFLOOd - Holiness
  • SONICFLOOd - More Than Anything

To sing like SONICFLOOd, you need to learn breath control, warm-up routines, and must practice chest and mix-voice. Additionally, you have to take care of your vocal health. You can follow the vocal exercises and articles provided by Singing Carrots to improve your skills and techniques.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.