Singing Guide: SHeDAISY

Singing Guide: SHeDAISY

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shania Twain is a Canadian singer and songwriter known for her country-pop sound. One of her biggest unique vocal techniques is her use of yodeling in some of her songs. She can go from a soft, breathy tone to a powerful belt in an instant, which makes her an incredibly versatile vocalist.

If you want to learn to sing like Shania Twain, you'll need to focus on developing your range and control. In terms of range, Shania is known for her ability to hit high notes with ease, so it's essential to start with some vocal warm-ups to get your voice ready. Singing Carrots' vocal range test can determine your range, comparing it with famous singers.

As you work on developing your range, you'll also want to focus on control. Shania Twain has a unique vocal style, with a wide vibrato and a lot of expression in her singing. Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor can help you see your sung notes on a virtual piano, improving your pitch accuracy.

In addition, you can try Singing Carrots' pitch training and interactive vocal warm-ups. These exercises provide visualizations of pitch and range and help you improve your agility.

One of Shania's most famous songs, "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!," showcases her vocal technique perfectly. The song has a lot of energy and relies heavily on Shania's ability to switch between soft and powerful vocals. Another great song to learn to sing like Shania Twain is "From This Moment On." That song features a long sustained note that Shania sings beautifully, highlighting her breath support.

In summary, to learn singing like Shania Twain, focus on developing your range and control. Use Singing Carrots' tools and resources such as vocal range test, vocal pitch monitor, pitch training, and interactive vocal warm-ups to help you develop your voice. And don't forget to practice singing popular Shania Twain songs like "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!" and "From This Moment On."

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.