Singing Guide: RuthAnne

Singing Guide: RuthAnne

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

RuthAnne is a singer-songwriter and producer from Dublin, Ireland. She has co-written with many famous artists such as Niall Horan, Britney Spears, Bebe Rexha, and more. RuthAnne's unique vocal technique is her effortless mix of pop and R&B styles. In this article, we will explain RuthAnne's singing technique and provide practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to learn to sing like her.

RuthAnne's Vocal Technique

RuthAnne has a sweet, breathy tone with a touch of rasp, which is key to her unique style. She often starts her phrases softly then builds to a bigger sound, using breath control and dynamic variation to create emotive and impactful performances.

Another hallmark of RuthAnne's singing is her use of melodic riffs and runs. These embellishments are common in R&B singing but are not often used in pop music. RuthAnne seamlessly blends these styles to create her unique sound.

Practical Tips and Singing Carrots Resources

To develop a singing style like RuthAnne, here are some practical tips:

  1. Warm up before singing: Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your range, then start with some gentle warm-ups like humming and lip trills. Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing exercise video can help you incorporate breath control into your warm-up routine.
  2. Work on breath control: RuthAnne's singing style relies heavily on breath control and dynamic variation. Singing Carrots' Breath Support article explains how breath support works and provides exercises to help you develop this skill.
  3. Study RuthAnne's music: Listening to and singing along with RuthAnne's songs is an excellent way to get a feel for her style and incorporate it into your singing. Singing Carrots' Search Songs feature can help you find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty level.
  4. Experiment with melodic embellishments: RuthAnne's use of runs and riffs adds depth and emotion to her singing. Singing Carrots' VoceVista Pitch Monitor can help you visualize the notes you're singing and play around with adding embellishments to your melodies.
  5. Practice regularly and record yourself: Consistent practice is key to improving your singing, and recording yourself can help you track your progress over time. Singing Carrots' Progress Statistics feature can help you keep track of your vocal improvement.

By incorporating these tips and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can begin to develop a singing style like RuthAnne's. With practice, you can create a unique style that sets you apart as a singer.


RuthAnne's singing technique is a blend of pop and R&B styles, with a sweet, breathy tone and melodic embellishments. To learn to sing like RuthAnne, warm up before singing and work on breath control, study her music, experiment with melodic embellishments, practice regularly, and record yourself. Singing Carrots' search songs feature, vocevista pitch monitor, and progress statistics can help you improve your singing skills. By incorporating these tips and resources, you can develop a singing style that is uniquely yours, just like RuthAnne.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.