Singing Guide: Ruel

Singing Guide: Ruel

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ruel Vincent Van Dijk, professionally known as Ruel, is an Australian singer and songwriter. He first gained recognition for his breakout single "Golden Years" when he was just 14 years of age. Since then, Ruel has been captivating audiences around the world with his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics. If you're aspiring to sing like Ruel and want to improve your vocal skills, then you're in the right place. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Ruel's unique vocal style and suggest some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you refine your craft.

Ruel's unique vocal style

Ruel is known for his unique voice, which blends elements of blues, soul, and pop together. He has a clear, smooth, and emotive vocal tone that's full of character. In particular, Ruel's vocal technique is distinguished by his use of falsetto and vibrato.

Songs showcasing Ruel's vocal style

Some of Ruel's most popular songs include "Younger," "Painkiller," and "Real Thing." In these songs, you can hear how Ruel uses his falsetto range to create a dynamic atmosphere, effortlessly switching between the lower and higher notes. Additionally, Ruel's use of vibrato adds depth and emotion to his singing, making it sound incredibly authentic and raw.

Practical tips for singing like Ruel

Here are some practical tips to help you improve your singing skills and develop a style similar to Ruel's:

  • Warm-ups: Before you start singing, always remember to warm-up your voice. Singing Carrots offer some useful warm-up exercises such as Farinelli breathing exercise and Three-minute warm-up routine. Warming up helps to prevent vocal strain and keeps your voice healthy.
  • Breathing: Strong breath control is important for creating a resonant and dynamic voice. It's important to practice with exercises such as Active and Passive Breathing and Breath support.
  • Pitch accuracy: One of the hallmarks of Ruel's unique vocal style is his precise pitch control. You can improve your pitch accuracy with exercises like Pitch accuracy test and Pitch Training, which has an interactive visualizer and warm-ups for pitch control.
  • Vocal range: Ruel's impressive vocal range is due in part to his great use of falsetto. To develop your own falsetto, Singing Carrots offer Range Test to help you discover and expand your vocal range.
  • Vocal technique: Ruel's vocal style also relies on the use of techniques such as vibrato. Singing Carrots offers insightful articles to understand and apply vibrato such as Singing with Vibrato.


Ruel is an extremely talented artist with a unique vocal style. By utilizing some of Singing Carrots' tools and tips, you can sharpen your skills and develop a singing style that's both soulful and authentic. Remember to stay consistent with your practice and take care of your voice, and you'll be well on your way to singing like Ruel in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.