Singing Guide: Robert Critchley

Singing Guide: Robert Critchley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Robert Critchley: A Singing Style Guide

Robert Critchley is a Welsh singer-songwriter who specializes in the contemporary Christian music genre. His music combines Biblical lyrics with musical styles such as rock and pop. If you are looking to learn how to sing like Robert Critchley, you will need to focus on honing your skills in the following areas:

Breath Support

Breath support is essential for singers because it allows them to control the longevity, pitch, and tone of their notes. Robert Critchley is known for his ability to hold notes for extended periods while still maintaining a clear and steady tone. To achieve this level of breath support, you should start with some of the Singing Carrots resources mentioned earlier, such as breathing basics and breath support. It’s also essential to adopt and maintain good posture while singing, which you can learn more about here.


Robert Critchley's songs feature intricate and poetic lyrics, so it's essential to practice delivering them in a clear and articulate manner. You can master articulation by practicing different articulation exercises, such as finger bite or humming.


Vibrato is a singing technique that involves altering the pitch of a note to produce a slight “wobble.” Robert Critchley uses vibrato extensively in his music to produce a soulful and emotional vocal style. You can improve your vibrato by practicing with Singing Carrots' video resources on vocal warm-ups or watch and learn from Robert Critchley singing Beggars Bounce.

Chest Voice

Robert Critchley music is characterized by his use of his full-throated chest voice, which he uses to create a powerful and emotive sound. However, it is essential to develop your chest voice to avoid straining your vocal cords. You can learn more about chest voice from Singing Carrots articles on chest voice, singing comfort zone and mixed voice.

Robert Critchley's Songs

If you want to sing like Robert Critchley, a great place to start is by practicing his songs. Critchley's hit song “You Are My Rock” is an excellent example of his vocal style and is sung in his signature style. You can also search for other songs that suit your vocal range and skill level using Singing Carrots.


Learning to sing like Robert Critchley requires practice and dedication. By using Singing Carrots' resources, you can develop the skills necessary to sing with power, emotion, and clarity, just like Robert Critchley.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.