Singing Guide: Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

Singing Guide: Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing like Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

Rihanna is known for her unique vocal style and versatility in her music. One song in particular that stands out is "Stay" featuring Mikky Ekko.

Vocal Style

Rihanna's vocal style in "Stay" is characterized by her use of belts, runs, and vibrato to convey raw emotion. In particular, she uses a mix of chest and head voice to achieve a powerful resonance. Additionally, she is known for her use of twang and belting techniques.

Learning Tips

To learn how to sing like Rihanna, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Analyze Your Voice: The first step to becoming a better singer is to analyze your voice. The Singing Carrots blog post on voice analysis offers some helpful tips on how to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as a singer.
  • Warm Up: Effective warm-ups will help prepare your voice for optimal performance and minimize the risk of injury. Start your warm-up with the Farinelli Breathing Exercise or Humming Exercise in the Singing Carrots videos.
  • Breath Support: Proper breath support will help you achieve the power and resonance needed for Rihanna's style. The Singing Carrots blog post on breath support features some exercises to improve your breath control.
  • Open Mouth and Throat: Opening your mouth and throat while singing can help you achieve a stronger and clearer sound. Check out the Singing Carrots blog post on mouth and throat positioning to learn more about proper technique.
  • Vibrato: Rihanna's unique use of vibrato adds depth and emotion to her performance. Learn how to perfect your vibrato using the Singing Carrots video exercises for vibrato.
  • Articulation: Clear articulation will help you enunciate lyrics effectively. The Singing Carrots blog post on articulation offers some helpful tips to improve your diction.
  • Mixing Registers: Rihanna seamlessly combines chest voice, head voice, and a falsetto mix together, which is essential to achieving her unique sound. Check out the video exercises for voice registers and voice break from Singing Carrots to work on your register transitions.
  • Stage Presence: Rihanna is a dynamic performer and her stage presence adds to the overall impact of her performance. Learn how to own the stage by reading the Singing Carrots blog post on stage fright and tips for performing on stage.

Singing Carrots offers several resources to help you improve your singing abilities and learn new techniques:

  • Pitch Training and Pitch Accuracy Test: These tools will help you develop pitch and improve your overall accuracy. Check out the Pitch Training educational singing game and the Pitch Accuracy Test.
  • Vocal Range Test: Singing Carrots's vocal range test will help you determine your vocal range and offer a comparison to famous singers. Test here.
  • Songbook and Song Search: Find songs that suit your voice and skill level using Singing Carrots's song search feature and create your set list using our songbook feature.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.