Singing Guide: Rihanna

Singing Guide: Rihanna

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like Rihanna requires a mix of smooth and powerful vocals with an R&B flavor. Rihanna is recognized among the most successful female artists of all time. In this article, we will go through some practical steps to help you learn to sing like Rihanna.

First and foremost, start with a vocal range test to determine your vocal range if you have not already. Knowing your vocal range will allow you to choose songs that showcase your voice's strengths, which is crucial in emulating Rihanna's smooth voice. One key element in emulating Rihanna's voice is her control. To achieve that, use the vocal pitch monitor to help tune your notes to the right pitch as Rihanna does in her songs.

Rihanna's unique vocal technique separates her from other artists. She has been often recognized for her impeccable falsettos. To learn falsettos effectively, consider taking a closer look at the various registers & vocal break, breath support, and breath/passive breathing techniques. Use the articles "Voice registers & vocal break," "Breath support and respiration," and "Active and passive breathing" to learn more.

You will also find Rihanna's song techniques unique. Take the time to learn about singing with intuition, emotions, and skills using the "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking" article. This is a great starting point to help understand how to add your own flavor to the songs you sing.

Breathing and breath control are essential to executing Rihanna's signature style. Therefore, it is vital to exercise and practice breathing techniques regularly. The Farinelli Breathing video exercise will strengthen your diaphragm and help with breathing control.

It is also important to understand resonance and how it affects your singing voice. Use the article "Resonance in singing" to learn more.

Mastering Rihanna's songs requires knowing her signature hits. Some of her most famous songs include "Stay," "Diamonds," and "Umbrella," among others. The song search tool allows you to research songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, so explore the database to find songs that highlight your vocal ability like Rihanna. Also, learn about Rihanna's vocal range using the "Vocal ranges of famous singers" article.

Lastly, avoid constrictions while singing like Rihanna by ensuring proper breath support and opening your mouth and throat while singing as explained in the "Avoiding constrictions" and "Open mouth & throat while singing" articles.

In conclusion, singing like Rihanna requires practice, dedication, and the proper use of research tools, as learning her techniques is essential to succeed. By utilizing this guide and Singing Carrots' articles, exercises, and tools, you can develop the skills necessary to sing like Rihanna. Begin your journey to become a superstar today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.