Singing Guide: Restless Heart

Singing Guide: Restless Heart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Restless Heart: A Practical Guide

Restless Heart is an American country music band that formed in 1984. Their unique vocal technique is their tight harmonies and blending of each member's voice, which creates a smooth, polished sound. In this article, I will explain how to learn to sing like Restless Heart, and the practical steps you can take to achieve that.

Understanding Restless Heart's Sound

Before we get into the practical steps, it's important to understand Restless Heart's sound. Their music features prominent use of harmonies, which means that aspiring singers should focus on developing their ear for hearing and singing harmonies. To do this, Singing Carrots offers a range of exercises, including the vocal range test, which can help you determine the best range for your voice, and the pitch accuracy test, which assesses your pitch accuracy.

Developing Your Vocal Technique

Once you have an understanding of your range and pitch accuracy, it's time to start developing your vocal technique. Restless Heart's signature sound is created by blending each member's voice, so it is important to develop your abilities in singing harmonies. The Pitch Training tool from Singing Carrots is a great resource to help you work on your harmony singing, with exercises and warm-ups designed to improve your blending with other singers.

Restless Heart's songs are also excellent examples of good vocal technique. Their song "I'll Still Be Loving You" showcases the band's tight harmonies, while songs like "Bluest Eyes in Texas" highlight the importance of vocal control and breath support. Singing Carrots' Song Search tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences, so you can practice and perform songs that help you develop your singing skills.

Maintaining Good Vocal Health

Finally, it's important to work on your overall vocal health to improve your singing abilities. Singing requires the use of various muscles and proper technique to prevent vocal strain and injury. The Singing Carrots article on vocal health provides tips and techniques to keep your voice healthy, including breathing exercises and warm-up routines.


In conclusion, to learn to sing like Restless Heart, focus on developing your abilities in harmonies, practicing good vocal technique, singing songs that showcase those techniques, and maintaining good vocal health. By using Singing Carrots' resources, you can improve your singing skills and achieve a smooth and polished sound like Restless Heart.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.