Singing Guide: Republic

Singing Guide: Republic

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Republic, an American rock band founded in 2007, is known for their unique blend of indie and folk-rock with a touch of chamber heavy arrangements. The band's distinctive vocal sound is characterized by both male and female lead singers and rich blends of harmonies.

To learn how to sing like Republic, it's essential to embrace their unique style and then work on developing your voice to suit it. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Analyze your voice: Before you begin, it's essential to know your voice type. Check out the voice type article to find your voice range.
  2. Breathing basics: Proper breathing is important in singing, so start with learning how to breathe actively. Check out the article on breathing basics.
  3. Voice registers: Republic's vocalist's vocal range often switches between the modal register and the upper vocal registers. Refer to the voice registers article to understand what it means.
  4. Breath support: Correct breathing is necessary for support and control of the voice while singing. Check out the article on breath support for proper ways of breathing.
  5. Open mouth and throat: When singing, always keep in mind the importance of keeping your mouth and throat open. Check out the article on open mouth and throat to learn how to achieve this.
  6. Vocal Health: Taking care of your voice is essential to becoming a singer like Republic. The vocal health article explains how to take care of your voice.

Now that you understand Republic's vocal techniques, it's time to practice with some relevant Singing Carrots resources:

  1. Start by taking the Vocal Range Test and evaluating your vocal range.
  2. Then, use the Search Songs feature to find songs suitable for your vocal range and difficulty preference.
  3. Use the Pitch Training exercises to work on your pitch accuracy.
  4. Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to observe the pitch of your sung notes.
  5. The singing course comprises 21-lessons that cover singing theory and practical tips that can help take your singing to the next level.

Here are three of Republic's most notable songs and their highlights:

  1. "Til The End" - This song features a powerful male lead vocal and strong harmonies. It also showcases a remarkable range and rich lyrical content.
  2. "Bury Me Alive" - The female lead vocal and harmonies in this song are compelling. It's structurally complex, with different parts that blend seamlessly.
  3. "Good Life" - The vocal techniques include belting and twang in both male and female vocals, showcasing Republic's ability to move smoothly between different genres.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Republic requires good breathing, the use of proper vocal techniques like open mouth, and voice registers, and the monitoring of your voice and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots offers resources to help you develop these skills and an understanding of the fundamentals of singing. With practice, you can develop a unique vocal style and sing along to Republic's multilayered sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.