Singing Guide: Redgum

Singing Guide: Redgum

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Redgum is an Australian folk and political music group. In this article, we will discuss how to learn singing like John Schumann, the lead vocalist of Redgum. Schumann's voice is characterized by its deep, expressive quality, often accompanied by acoustic guitar and harmonica.

  • To begin, it is important to analyze your voice and determine your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your range to famous singers.
  • Next, focus on breathing basics and breath support, which can be improved through breathing exercises. This will help you achieve the rich, full tone that Schumann is known for.
  • One of Schumann's signature techniques is using his natural vibrato to great effect, as heard in the song "I Was Only 19". To practice vibrato, try this exercise.
  • Another key aspect of Schumann's style is his use of dynamics, the way he can quickly shift from soft to loud and back again. Learning to control your vocal dynamics can greatly enhance your performance, and you can practice with this warm-up exercise.
  • Schumann's lyrics often tell a story, with a focus on social issues and current events. To effectively convey the emotion behind these songs, work on your articulation and enunciation. Singing Carrots offers a helpful article on articulating while singing and a vocal warm-up exercise to improve your diction.
  • Finally, consider taking Singing Carrots' singing course for beginners, which covers singing theory and practical tips for improving your skills.

In summary, to learn singing like John Schumann of Redgum, focus on breath support, vibrato, dynamics, articulation, and taking advantage of Singing Carrots' resources. With practice and dedication, you can develop your own unique style inspired by Schumann's powerful voice and storytelling ability.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.