Singing Guide: Raze

Singing Guide: Raze

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Raze, the R&B superstar, this article is your comprehensive guide. Raze is well-known for his signature smooth, melodic sound and his use of creative vocal runs and riffs.

To start emulating Raze's style, it's important to understand your vocal range and voice type. You can determine this with the Singing Carrots vocal range test. Once you know your voice type, you can begin to tailor your singing technique to sound more like Raze.

One of Raze's most unique vocal techniques is his use of riffs and runs. In order to get started with incorporating vocal runs into your singing, it's important to practice your scales and warm up with exercises like the Farinelli breathing warm-up on Singing Carrots.

Additionally, Raze's use of vibrato is another key element to his sound. You can practice adding vibrato to your singing using the exercises from Singing Carrots such as "Diaphragm Bounce."

In terms of specific songs that showcase Raze's vocal style, we recommend listening to "Listen," "Crazy 'bout You," and "All 4 Love." Pay attention to the unique way that Raze uses inflection, tone, and melody to create his signature sound.

Lastly, the Singing Carrots course for beginners is a great resource for singers who are looking to develop their vocal technique and style. With lessons on breathing, vocal health, and more, you can build a strong foundational understanding of how to sing like Raze or any other R&B artist.

To recap, to learn how to sing like Raze:

  1. Determine your vocal range and voice type using the Singing Carrots vocal range test
  2. Practice scales and warm-up exercises to improve your riffs and runs
  3. Focus on adding vibrato to your singing using Singing Carrots exercises like "Diaphragm Bounce"
  4. Listen to and study Raze's music, paying attention to his use of inflection, tone, and melody
  5. Consider taking the Singing Carrots course for beginners to build a strong foundation in vocal technique and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.