Singing Guide: Raven

Singing Guide: Raven

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Raven is a talented singer-songwriter who rose to fame after creating music on a popular video-sharing app. Her soulful voice and poetic lyrics have won over fans across the globe. If you are a Raven fan wanting to learn how to sing like her, keep reading for some tips and resources to help you achieve her unique sound.

One of the defining features of Raven's singing style is her use of vocal fry. Vocal fry is often used in pop and R&B music to add a raspy, breathy quality to the voice. To achieve this sound, try practicing vocal fry exercises and incorporating it into your singing style. Singing with a relaxed jaw and throat can also help you achieve the same sound as Raven.

Another key factor in singing like Raven is demonstrating a sense of emotion. Known for her soulful and emotional performances, Raven engages the audience with relatable themes of love and heartbreak. To incorporate emotion into your performance, focus on the meaning of the lyrics and convey the emotions through your facial expressions and body language.

To further refine your skills, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of articles, videos, and tools that can help you achieve a Raven-esque sound. Use the vocal range test to determine which songs are best suited for your voice. The pitch accuracy test can help you identify any areas that need improvement, while the vocal pitch monitor can help you visualize your pitch and identify areas for improvement.

The pitch training is an interactive program that includes vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization, and exercises for range and agility. The singing course is a 21-lesson program that covers singing theory and practical tips from professionals. These resources offer practical advice that encourages you to sing like a true pro.

Another great way to learn how to sing like Raven is to study her unique style. Analyze her songs and vocal technique, paying attention to her use of vocal fry, pitch, and emotion. Try singing along to her songs until you feel comfortable with the style and can start adding your unique touch.

In conclusion, achieving Raven’s singing style is achievable with practice, hard work, and guidance from experts in the field. With Singing Carrots’ comprehensive resources and practical tips, learning to sing like Raven has never been easier. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.