Singing Guide: Radiohead

Singing Guide: Radiohead

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning to sing like Thom Yorke

it’s important to understand his unique vocal style. Thom's signature sound is characterized by his emotive, often falsetto voice. In this article, we'll look at how to learn to sing like Thom Yorke and recommend some helpful Singing Carrots resources.

Vocal Range

Thom's voice is known for its wide range, which is crucial to his unique sound. First, take our vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it with Thom's. This will help you to determine if you're able to sing at the same range as him.


To develop your vocal technique like Thom Yorke, consider these resources:

  • Breathing exercises: Practice breathing exercises to help you control your breath and develop the strength to hit high or unusual notes.
  • Voice Registers: Learn about voice registers and how you can use them to control your voice's sound, from the low range to the falsetto. Here's a video example of mixed voice.
  • Pitch accuracy: Thom Yorke's unique vocal style is characterized by his pitch accuracy. Practice your pitch with our pitch accuracy test and improve your ability to hit the correct notes.

Thom Yorke's Songs

Here are some Thom Yorke's songs you can practice to perfect your vocal technique:

  • High and Dry: This is a great song to practice the control of your voice. It requires a good range and focuses on pitch accuracy.
  • Creep: Another classic with a wide range of notes, especially for singing in falsetto.
  • Karma Police: A haunting melody that can help you develop range and control of your voice.

Singing Carrots Resources

To further develop your singing abilities, check out these recommended articles, exercises, and tools:

  • Vocal health: Protect your vocal cords and learn about how to properly care for your unique instrument.
  • Contemporary vocal techniques: Check out this detailed guide to various contemporary vocal techniques, which can help you achieve more unique and powerful sounds.
  • Warm-up routines: Follow this great warm-up routine to prepare your voice and body to sing.
  • Singing Course: Sign up for our educational singing course to learn the ins and outs of singing and improve at your own pace.

Now that you know some tips and exercises to learn to sing like Thom Yorke, get started and have fun expanding your vocal abilities!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.