Singing Guide: Primus

Singing Guide: Primus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If You Want to Sing Like Les Claypool...

If you want to sound like Primus' frontman, Les Claypool, you'll need to have a strong command of a few techniques. Les Claypool has a unique voice that's distinctive, and you'll need to be able to mimic his style in order to sound like him. Here are some tips to help you learn how to sing like Les Claypool:

Vocal Technique

Voice Type

Les Claypool has a bass vocal range, so you'll need to make sure you can reach the lower notes to sing his songs accurately.

Register Control

Claypool uses several registers in his singing, so learning how to control and blend these is fundamental. This way, you will be able to sing with that sweet spot between chest and head voice.


Les Claypool's vibrato is one of his signature techniques. With practice, you can learn how to add vibrato to your own singing, and add some of his unique flair to your voice. Check out the Singing Carrots video on Singing with Vibrato to learn more.


Claypool uses growl and grit in his vocals frequently, so emulating this technique can add some of his rough edge to your own singing. You can practice this technique with the Singing Carrots video on Vocal distortion & Growling.

Chest Voice

You need a good chest voice. In order to achieve a solid pitch, learn your lowest pitch while using chest voice resonation. Practice for moving vocal cords through the sound waves down your vocal tract that support your chest voice. Then focus on extending your chest voice range, with the song "My Name Is Mud" being a good one for practice. Check out the Singing Carrots video explaining Chest Voice Explained register and how to use it.


Les Claypool's singing has a strong twang quality to it. Studying the Singing Carrots video on How to Twang Exercise to get started with this technique.

Breath Control

Good breath control is essential for successfully singing like Les Claypool. By practicing exercises to improve your breathing techniques, you'll be able to sing in longer phrases and sustain notes longer. Check out the Singing Carrots article on Breathing basics for tips.

Primus' Songs

Some great songs to practice to sound like Les Claypool are:

  • "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" (it features many of Claypool's signature techniques)
  • "My Name Is Mud" (which has some great basslines, and requires good chest voice management)
  • "Tommy the Cat" (which features much use of his intricacies)

Singing Carrots Resources

For more information, be sure to check out the Singing Carrots' Vocal range test, Pitch accuracy test, Vocal Pitch Monitor, and Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game. The site also offers a wealth of informative articles on topics including Voice types, Voice registers & vocal break, and much more. If you're looking for assistance with learning to sing like Les Claypool, this course - Singing course - could be very helpful.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.