Singing Guide: Pocahontas

Singing Guide: Pocahontas

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Pocahontas was an Native American princess from Virginia who lived during the 17th century. She was a woman who was known for her courage and intelligence. Even though there are no recordings of what her voice sounded like, we know from historical accounts that she was a talented singer. With the help of Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn to sing like Pocahontas.

Pocahontas sang in a unique style called "vocal glide." This style involves a smooth transition between notes and the use of vibrato to add depth and emotion to the song. She also often used a chest voice to convey power and strength.

To sing like Pocahontas, it's essential to understand the basics of breathing and posture, as well as the nuances of vocal registers and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive educational singing course you can take to learn about these fundamentals.

Once you have a good grasp of the basics, it's time to focus on Pocahontas' unique singing style. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test to determine your vocal range, which is an essential part of understanding vocal glide. Additionally, the pitch accuracy test can help identify where to improve your pitch accuracy, which is essential for smooth transitions between notes.

One of the best ways to learn Pocahontas-style singing is through practical exercises. Singing Carrots' pitch training game is an excellent resource for learning pitch accuracy and smooth transitions between notes. Additionally, the vocal pitch monitor is another fantastic tool for practicing vocal glide, enabling you to visualize your pitch on a virtual piano.

Finally, when practicing Pocahontas-style singing, it's essential to use songs that showcase the style. "Colors of the Wind" is a classic example of Pocahontas' vocal glide style and showcases the use of both chest and head voices. Using Singing Carrots' song search tool, you can find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences.

Incorporating these Singing Carrots resources, along with practice and dedication, will help you learn to sing like Pocahontas.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.