Singing Guide: Plies

Singing Guide: Plies

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Plies is a unique artist known to have a deep and hoarse voice. He is a rapper who specializes in storytelling, and his style often involves strong emotions and consistency. His vocal delivery merges with his lyrics and creates an immersive listening experience. To learn to sing like Plies, you need to focus on the following attributes of his voice and music:

Vocal Technique

  1. Breath support: Plies rap style includes heavy breathing, and he often pauses in between lines. To learn to sing like him, practice breathing exercises and focus on your breath support.
  2. Pitch accuracy: Plies voice often has a monotone quality and may not showcase much pitch variation. While practicing, use Singing Carrots Pitch Accuracy test to evaluate your pitch accuracy and improve.
  3. Emotional delivery: Plies singing style can be raw and emotional. He creates a connection with his audience and sings with passion. Perhaps the easiest way to learn this technique is by practicing singing emotionally-rich songs.


Plies' unique vocal technique and style are showcased in many of his songs across his extensive career as a rapper. Here are some songs to practice and learn from:

  • "Becky": Plies' hit single "Becky" has a slow tempo that emphasizes his deep and hoarse voice. The steady beat and the smooth flow of the lines make it an excellent choice for practicing breath support.
  • "Shawty": Another of Plies' hits, "Shawty," is a great song to practice emotional singing. This song is ideal for exploring different vocal registers and working on consistency with vibrato or other vocal techniques.
  • "Rock": Plies' song "Rock" has a distinctive sound and a catchy chorus. Use this song to practice articulation and perfect your pitch accuracy with its repeating melody at the end of each verse.

Singing Carrots Resources

Access Singing Carrots' comprehensive selection of free tools and exercises to improve your singing technique, all designed to help you become the best singer you can be!


  • Pitch accuracy test: Use Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to practice and improve pitch accuracy.
  • Vocal range test: Assess your vocal range with Singing Carrots' free Vocal Range Test.


  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: Refine pitch and vibrato with Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor.
  • Pitch Training: Improve your singing agility using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training, featuring pitch visualization and interactive vocal warm-ups.
  • Search songs by vocal range: Find songs that are perfect for your voice and to refine your technique. Visit here.

Music theory

  • Educational singing course: Learn the basics of singing theory and practical tips with Singing Carrots' 21-lesson educational singing course.

By incorporating these practical tips and resources into your learning, you can develop your singing ability and begin to master Plies' unique style. Remember, it will take time and practice, but with Singing Carrots' resources and your determination, you can become a great singer like Plies.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.