Singing Guide: Planetshakers

Singing Guide: Planetshakers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Planetshakers

Planetshakers is a popular Australian Christian worship band known for their energetic performances and catchy melodies. To sing like Planetshakers, it's essential to have a good grasp of the basics of singing and develop your own unique style. Here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like Planetshakers.

  • Explore Your Vocal Range

    One of the first steps in learning to sing like Planetshakers is to explore your vocal range. Singing Carrots' Vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range and identify areas to work on. It's crucial to understand your range so that you can find the right key and sing with ease.

  • Develop Good Breath Control

    Planetshakers' music is known for its high energy, requiring plenty of breath support to perform. Learning proper breathing techniques can help you achieve better control over your voice. The Breathing Basics article provides some essential tips to develop both active and passive breathing techniques. Also, the Breath support article is an excellent resource to build breath control using practical exercises.

  • Warm-up Effectively

    Warming up is a crucial part of preparing to sing like Planetshakers. The pitch training game is a fun way to get your voice warmed up while practicing your pitch accuracy. Another excellent resource is the 3-minute warm-up video that takes only 3 minutes to get your voice ready for singing.

  • Study Planetshakers Unique Vocal Technique

    Planetshakers incorporate various vocal techniques into their music style. For instance, the song "The Anthem (Full Song)" highlights amazing backing vocal harmonies with a blend of chest voice and falsetto. Another example is the "Favoured" where the singer uses twang effectively for dynamic and powerful vocals. Check out the Twang video exercise to strengthen your twang skill.

  • Find Appropriate Songs

    Planetshakers' music covers a wide range of vocal ranges and styles, so it's essential to find the appropriate song for your voice range and style. The Song search tool helps you identify songs suitable for your voice range, genre, and difficulty level quickly.

  • Practice Regularly

    One of the most important aspects of learning to sing like Planetshakers is to practice consistently. The Singing course is an excellent program to follow, covering the fundamental singing techniques, followed by practical tips. Another essential aspect is to analyze and evaluate your voice to understand your singing performance better. The Voice types article and How to analyze your voice are guides to getting a more in-depth understanding of your unique voice.

If you follow these tips and utilize the Singing Carrots resources, you'll be well on your way to singing like Planetshakers. With practice and dedication, you can develop your unique style inspired by Planetshakers' energy and passion.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.