Singing Guide: Pixies

Singing Guide: Pixies

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

When it comes to Pixies, you can't help but get lost in the unique style and powerful energy that they bring. Black Francis's distinct vocals are a huge part of the band's sound, and if you're looking to learn how to sing like him, there are a few things to keep in mind.

One of the things that sets Black Francis apart is his use of dynamics. He's known for his ability to go from whisper quiet to a full-throated scream in an instant, giving him a lot of depth and power in his performances. To achieve this, you'll need to work on your breath control and use your diaphragm effectively.

Another aspect of his singing is his use of falsetto. Black Francis is able to transition seamlessly between his chest voice and his falsetto, giving his vocals a unique texture. To work on your falsetto, try exercises like the Farinelli Breathing video or the Singing Comfort Zone video, both of which can be found on Singing Carrots.

Finally, Black Francis is known for his surreal and cryptic lyrics. If you want to capture the essence of Pixies, you'll need to work on your interpretation skills. Check out an article like "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" to learn how to really connect with the words you're singing.

To really get a sense of Black Francis's unique style, listen to songs like "Gouge Away," "Debaser," and "Where Is My Mind?" These tracks showcase his dynamic singing style, his use of falsetto, and his ability to convey complex emotions through his vocals.

If you're serious about improving your singing skills and honing your Pixies-style vocals, Singing Carrots has a ton of resources to help you out. Check out the Vocal Range Test, the Pitch Accuracy Test, and the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see where you're at and pinpoint areas in which you can improve. Good luck and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.