Singing Guide: PianoSSam

Singing Guide: PianoSSam

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

PianoSSam is a unique mix of jazz and soul, with her most iconic song being "Strangers in the Night". PianoSSam's voice is remarkable for its smokiness and the way she can modulate it. These traits make her one of the most distinct voices in the music industry.

If you would like to learn how to sing like her, Singing Carrots offers a free vocal range test to compare yourself with famous singers. Analyzing your voice and determining your vocal range will aid in determining the starting point for voice development.

When working to become the master of your voice, proper breathing techniques are vital. Singing Carrots provides a breathing exercise article and a breathing exercise video on breath control, including the art of breath support. This will help you develop a steady tone.

Self-awareness of mouth and throat positioning is a significant factor in vocal control. An open mouth and a relaxed throat are essential when singing. Singing Carrots goes in-depth on how to open your throat while you sing and offers an article on how to prevent constriction.

Learning the proper articulation of vocal cords to produce sound is essential. Singing Carrots offers an exercise to help form important articulation techniques. Knowing how your voice changes from note to note and how that connects with vibrato is critical. Singing Carrots provides articles and videos, including an exercise on how to sing with vibrato.

PianoSSam was famous for her vocal control and growling. Singing Carrots offers exercises on growling voice distortion that incorporates a heavy modal technique. They also offer J-Beez, a contemporary vocalization technique to strike those high notes that PianoSSam so often used.

One of PianoSSam's best works was "Strangers in the Night," with her remarkable bits of voice breaks. Singing Carrots provides exercises on having a current voice mixed voice and voice breaks to help with those high notes. They also have a vocal range search to find songs you can sing with your vocal range.

Posture is crucial to vocal development. Sitting upright with your shoulders back, and your chin parallel to the floor, produces a more controlled flow of air from your lungs while singing. Singing Carrots offers an exercise on good singing posture to improve the body's position.

Finally, stage fright can be overcome by having a charm and energetic emotion. Singing Carrots provides an article containing tips for performing on stage.

In conclusion, PianoSSam was a legend of her era; developing the same unique style as hers will require hard work, determination, and proper education. Singing Carrots offers a course on singing theory and practical tips that cover all aspects of voice training. With the helpful tools provided by Singing Carrots and the tips mentioned in this article, anyone can learn how to sing PianoSSam style successfully.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.