Singing Guide: Phoenix

Singing Guide: Phoenix

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Phoenix

Phoenix is a French rock band known for their unique style combining rock, pop, and electronic music. Their lead singer Thomas Mars has a distinctive voice with a high range and a smooth tone. In this article, we will guide you on how to learn singing like Phoenix, highlighting their unique vocal techniques and the songs that showcase them.

Phoenix's Vocal Technique

Phoenix's music incorporates a mix of rock, pop, and electronic styles, which means that their vocal technique is also incredible.

Their songs often feature high notes, and the lead singer Thomas Mars has a great vocal range. One of the keys to Phoenix's vocal technique is the use of falsetto, a technique that enables singers to hit high notes without straining their voices. Phoenix uses falsetto in many of their songs, including "1901" and "Lisztomania." By using falsetto, you'll be able to sing higher notes with ease without harming your vocal cords.

Another key element of Phoenix's vocal technique is breath control. This is especially important when you're singing high notes, as it helps maintain a steady pitch. In their song "Ti Amo," Thomas Mars demonstrates excellent breath control, especially towards the end of the song.

Songs to Practice Singing Like Phoenix

If you want to learn how to sing like Phoenix, the best way to do so is by practicing their songs. Here are a few of their songs that showcase their unique vocal technique:

  • "Lisztomania"
  • "1901"
  • "Ti Amo"

Practical Advice on Singing Like Phoenix

If you want to learn how to sing like Phoenix, here is some practical advice to keep in mind:

  • Practice regularly: The more you practice singing, the better you'll get. Make sure to practice your falsetto and breath control
  • Listen to Phoenix’s music: Listen to Phoenix's songs and try to emulate Thomas Mars's singing style
  • Warm-up: Before singing, make sure to warm up your voice. Use the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game, Vocal Pitch Monitor, and the Vocal range test tools on Singing Carrots to warm up your voice.
  • Breathing technique: Practice breathing exercises to develop your breath control

Singing Carrots Resources

Here are some resources on Singing Carrots that will help you learn how to sing like Phoenix:

  • Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game - this tool offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises that will help you develop your range and agility, similar to the vocal qualities of Thomas Mars.
  • Search songs by vocal range - this feature allows you to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, just like Phoenix songs.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor -this tool shows your sung notes on a virtual piano, just like how Thomas Mars hits his high notes in Phoenix songs.
  • How to analyze your voice - this article gives practical advice on how to identify your vocal range, breath control, and pitch accuracy, three key skills required to become a great singer like Thomas Mars.
  • Breathing basics - this article gives practical advice on how

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.