Singing Guide: Philip Oakey

Singing Guide: Philip Oakey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Philip Oakey

Philip Oakey, the frontman of the British synthpop band The Human League, is known for his unique vocal style. His high-pitched voice pairs perfectly with the band's electronic sound. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Philip Oakey, here are some tips and resources to get you started.

Key Technique: Falsetto

One of Philp Oakey's signature techniques is his use of falsetto. Falsetto is a vocal register that allows you to sing notes above your normal range. To achieve a falsetto sound, you need to sing with a lot of air and tension in your throat. Practicing vocal exercises like the ones provided in the Singing Carrots Pitch Training game can help you develop this technique.

Notable Songs

If you want to practice singing like Philip Oakey, start listening to and singing along with some of his most popular songs. Here are some notable tracks:

  • "Don't You Want Me"
  • "Love Action (I Believe in Love)"
  • "(Keep Feeling) Fascination"
  • "Human"

While singing along to these songs, pay close attention to Oakey's use of falsetto and his phrasing. Try to emulate his style and technique as closely as possible.

Practical Advice

Aside from working on your falsetto technique and practicing songs, there are a few other things you can do to improve your singing:

  • Record yourself singing and listen back to identify areas for improvement.
  • Focus on breathing techniques, like the ones detailed in the Singing Carrots articles on breathing basics and breath support.
  • Work on your articulation and diction, as Oakey enunciates his lyrics very precisely.

Singing Carrots Resources

The Singing Carrots platform offers a variety of resources that can help you improve your singing skills and learn to sing like Philip Oakey.

  • Pitch Training - This interactive singing game offers pitch exercises and warm-ups that can help you develop your falsetto technique and other singing skills.
  • Song Search - Use this tool to find songs that match your vocal range and style preferences.
  • How to Learn a Song Effectively - Check out this Singing Carrots article for tips on how to improve your learning process and memorize songs more efficiently.
  • Articulation - This Singing Carrots blog post explains how to improve your articulation and be more precise in your singing.


Learning to sing like Philip Oakey can be a fun and challenging process. By working on your falsetto technique, practicing his songs, and taking advantage of Singing Carrots resources, you'll be on your way to mastering his unique vocal style in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.