Singing Guide: Pantera

Singing Guide: Pantera

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dimebag Darrell was one of metal's most beloved guitarists and a central part of Pantera, a band whose aggressive sound pushed boundaries and set new standards for heavy music. Learning to sing like Pantera's vocalist, Phil Anselmo, requires a distinct approach. His style is grounded in heavy metal's aggressive attitude, filled with harsh vocals, growls, and screams.

To learn vocals like those of Phil Anselmo, you need to first understand the mechanics behind it. Phil's voice can be described as a gruff, whiskey-soaked yell, with the occasional outburst of aggression. He relies heavily on his diaphragm and throat muscles to achieve his desired sound. One thing you can do to achieve his unique sound is to practice taking deep breaths, filling your lungs to capacity. Exhale slowly while making a "hiss" sound, engaging your diaphragm as you do so. This will help you develop the necessary breath support for your vocals.

To improve your chest voice, practice the chest voice exercise from Singing Carrots. Additionally, if you find yourself struggling to hit high notes, the platform's range test tool will come in handy. It will allow you to determine your vocal range and help you reach peak performance.

To increase your vocal power and range, you should also look into Singing Carrots' pitch training. This program offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. It is perfect for any singer who wants to improve their singing voice and explore different vocal styles.

Some of Pantera's most famous songs include Cowboys From Hell, Walk, Cemetery Gates, and Mouth for War. When trying to emulate Phil's style, practice the vocals from these songs and try adding your own twist. Additionally, Singing Carrots' Songbook tool will help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, so you can find even more songs to practice with.

By applying these techniques and using Singing Carrots' range test, pitch training, and Songbook tools, you can learn how to sing like Phil Anselmo and capture Pantera's unique sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.