Singing Guide: Osibisa

Singing Guide: Osibisa

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Osibisa is a Ghanaian Afro-rock band that formed in London in 1969. Known for their fusion of African, Caribbean, and jazz influences, Osibisa presents a unique vocal technique that is rhythmic, upbeat, and engaging. In order to learn to sing like Osibisa, one should focus on three key aspects: rhythm, harmony, and stage presence.

Rhythm is a defining feature of Osibisa's music; it is their infectious beats and percussive sounds that keep audiences dancing and singing along. To develop your rhythm skills, start with Singing Carrots' pitch training, where you will find interactive warm-ups and pitch visualizer tools. In addition, the Vocal Pitch Monitor can help singers improve their sense of timing by showing sung notes on a virtual piano. For more resources on rhythm, refer to the Singing Carrots' article on the importance of timing in singing.

Harmony is another key feature of Osibisa music. Their use of harmonies and carefully crafted arrangements set them apart from other Afro-rock bands of the same era. To develop your harmony skills, explore Singing Carrots' song search tool, where you can find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. Singing along to these songs can help you work on your harmonic sense. Additionally, the Singing Carrots' course on singing theory and practical tips can provide a deeper understanding of how to use harmonies effectively in your singing.

Stage presence is crucial for any singer, and Osibisa is no exception. Their energetic performances are a testament to the power of a strong stage presence. To develop your stage skills, start with the Singing Carrots' article on how posture affects your singing. Good posture is key to projecting confidence and engaging with your audience. Additionally, the Singing Carrots' article on tips for performing on stage can provide valuable insights into developing your stage skills.

To sum up, to learn to sing like Osibisa, one should focus on rhythm, harmony, and stage presence. Singing Carrots' pitch training, song search, vocal pitch monitor, singing course, and articles provide a wealth of resources to develop these skills. With practice and dedication, one can master the art of Osibisa's unique vocal technique and embody their contagious energy on stage.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.