Singing Guide: Oh Honey

Singing Guide: Oh Honey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Oh Honey is known for their sweet and whimsical indie sound. They have gained a large following for their catchy hooks and perfectly crafted harmonies.

If you love Oh Honey and want to learn how to sing like them, here are some tips to get you started.

Voice Type

Oh Honey's lead singer has a natural alto voice, which means she has a lower vocal range. If you have a lower-pitched voice, great! But don't worry if you don't - you can still learn to sing like Oh Honey.


Breathing is a fundamental aspect of singing, and one of the most important habits to develop is diaphragmatic breathing. This type of breathing involves expanding the belly when inhaling, rather than raising the chest. Check out Singing Carrots' article on Breathing Basics for an in-depth guide on breathing techniques.

Vocal Range

Oh Honey's lead singer, Danielle Bouchard, has a unique, breathy sound that she uses throughout her lower vocal range. To develop your lower register, try Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises. These exercises will help you learn how to control your voice in each range of your vocals and understand your vocal range.

Harmony and Arrangement

Oh Honey is known for their great harmonies and arrangements. These can be challenging to learn and sing on your own. To help you with this, Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Pitch Monitor tool that can help you visualize and listen to pitches in real-time. It will aid you in harmonization and finding the right pitch for the song.

Vocal Techniques

The Oh Honey's lead singer, Danielle Bouchard, has a unique and sweet vocal technique, that requires singing softly and breathily. This approach is prevalent in songs like "Be Okay" and "Lonely Neighbor," which focus a lot on the emotions of the lyrics.

Singing Carrots' Resources

Singing Carrots has excellent resources for beginner singers and those who want to improve their singing. The website offers:

  • Vocal range tests
  • Pitch accuracy tests
  • Vocal pitch monitors
  • Pitch training exercises
  • Song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference
  • Educational singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips

By incorporating these tips into your singing practice, you will be on your way to singing like Oh Honey in no time. Remember, singing is about having fun while learning and growing. Enjoy the process and believe in your journey to becoming a fantastic singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.