Singing Guide: Nunsense

Singing Guide: Nunsense

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like the characters in Nunsense then you should develop some fundamental singing skills.

Breath support, articulate pronunciation, and good posture go a long way in singing more difficult genres like opera and musical theatre. Focus on taking full breaths with your diaphragm, using your lips and tongue to shape consonant and vowel sounds, and keeping your shoulders relaxed and back straight.

Some of the iconic songs from the Nunsense musical include "The Dying Nun Ballet" and "So You Want To Be A Nun?". These songs showcase various vocal registers and theatrical flair.

To improve your vocal skills, you may wish to take a look at the following resources on the Singing Carrots platform:

  • The "Breathing Basics" article helps clarify proper breathing technique.
  • The "Articulation" article discusses pronunciation and diction.
  • The "Pop/Jazz vs Classical Singing" article explains the differences between these genres, helping you to broaden your skills.

Additionally, you can check out the following Skill-related Videos:

  • The Farinelli Breathing and Humming videos provide breathing and practice tips.
  • Vocal range test
  • Pitch accuracy test
  • Pitch Training
  • The How posture affects your singing and Vocal health articles can give you important performance and health tips.

You might also enjoy exploring the Vocal ranges of famous singers section and singing along with contemporary vocal techniques exercises such as Twang, Growling, and Vibrato.

With Singing Carrots' resources and some dedication to practicing, you can improve your singing in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.