Singing Guide: Newworldson

Singing Guide: Newworldson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Newworldson is a Canadian roots band known for their diverse musical style that blends jazz, soul, reggae, and gospel music. The lead vocalist, Joel Parisien, has a captivating voice that can convey the soulful and rhythmic essence of their music.

If you want to learn how to sing like Newworldson, there are a few things you can do to improve your skills.

  • First, it's important to understand the basics of singing and get a good grasp of your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your range to famous singers and helps you find your comfort zone. Once you know your range, you can start practicing exercises that can help you improve your voice, such as the Farinelli Breathing video found in the resources above.
  • Joel Parisien’s unique vocal style is a mix of soulful and rhythmic elements. He can hit high notes with ease, but he also has a strong lower register. One of the best ways to learn from him is to listen and practice with his music. Some of Newworldson's popular songs include Salvation Station, Learning to be the Light, and Son of Man. These songs showcase Parisien's powerful voice and unique style.
  • In addition to practicing with songs, you can also work on different techniques that Newworldson employs in his singing. For instance, Newworldson often uses a technique called twang, which is a type of vocalization that creates a bright and focused sound. You can learn how to do this with the How to Twang Exercise video found in the resources above.
  • Another technique Newworldson uses is growling, which can add a rough texture to your voice. You can learn how to do this with the How to Growl Exercise video in the resources above.
  • Other useful tips for improving your vocals include focusing on breath support, relaxing your jaw and throat, and articulating your words clearly. For more in-depth information and exercises, check out the mentioned Singing Carrots articles and videos above.

Finally, it's essential to find your own authentic voice by incorporating your unique style and personality into your singing. Embrace your own singing style while learning from the techniques of artists like Newworldson. Remember to have fun and enjoy the process of learning to sing like a professional.

With these practical tips and Singing Carrots' resources, you'll be well on your way to singing like Joel Parisien from Newworldson. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.