Singing Guide: Netta

Singing Guide: Netta

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Netta

Netta Barzilai is not only an Israeli singer, but also a looper - this allows her to sing and record her voice in real time, creating vocal layering which is characteristic of her unique sound. One of her most notable songs, "Toy", clearly highlights her usage of the looper. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Netta and provide practical advice along with relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Utilize Your Looping Tool

As we mentioned, Ms. Barzilai is an avid user of looping technology. This allows her to create harmony in real-time, which is a key component of her sound. To learn this technique, Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool will help you with training your pitch matching. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can learn to use a looping pedal. Unfortunately, looping pedals can be expensive. A cheaper alternative would be to use a vocals recording app to help you record your ideas. Then listen back to your performance and document your ideas in the songbook provided by the Singing Carrots app.

Develop Netta’s Unique Style

Netta has a unique singing style - her sound is easily recognizable due to her use of gutturals. One practical tip to imitate her sound is to avoid constriction by having good breath support and active breathing while using the openness of your throat as explained here. Utilize the Singing Carrots' vocal support exercises to help you achieve this. Another characteristic of Netta is her strong rhythm - to learn this, try vocal drumming exercises and take a rhythm class, if possible.

Embody Netta's Musicality

Aside from her loop pedal usage and vocal guttural sound, Netta's production of unique sounds makes a further defining point in her musicality. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool provides you with a chance to discover a variety of vocal techniques, such as vibrato, twang, belting, heavy modal, and growling, that can be used to add character to your performances. Try the Twang exercise, or the Diaphragm Bounce, both found on the Singing Carrots skill-related videos page. To keep your sound authentic while learning new techniques, Singing Carrots also provides helpful tips to find your own authentic voice here.


Learning to sing like Netta requires a mix of techniques, from the use of looping tools to vocal techniques and gutturals. While developing your skills, you may want to try songbook exercises, pitch training, or performance tips found on Singing Carrots' website, to enhance your learning. Also, keep in mind Netta's improvisational style - this will encourage you to find and celebrate your own unique voice. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.