Singing Guide: Nathan Schaumann

Singing Guide: Nathan Schaumann

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nathan Schaumann's singing style - How to emulate his baritone voice?



Nathan Schaumann's warm, dark vibrato is achieved by creating tension in the vocal cords. To imitate this technique, practice the Beggars Bounce or Diaphragm Bounce exercises which helps stabilize breathing.


Practice articulation with the Finger Bite exercise which helps clarify pronunciation.

Chest Voice

Strengthen your chest voice with the Chest Voice Explained exercise.

Songs to practice

  • "Largo al factotum" from The Barber of Seville
  • "The Pearl Fishers"
  • "La Traviata"
  • "The Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera
  • "Danny Boy"

Singing Carrots Resources

For more in-depth information:

To practice your range, use the Vocal range test and find songs that match your voice using the Song search tool.

To improve your vocal training, check out the Educational singing course.

By practicing these exercises and utilizing these resources regularly, you can develop the skills you need to sing like Nathan Schaumann and improve your vocal technique. To succeed, commit to consistent practice and dedication!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.