Singing Guide: Natalie Grant

Singing Guide: Natalie Grant

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you’re a fan of Christian music, you probably know about Natalie Grant. This talented singer has been a staple of the genre for over 20 years, producing hit after hit with her incredible voice and powerful lyrics. If you want to learn how to sing like Natalie Grant, there are a few things you’ll need to focus on.

First, let’s talk about Natalie’s vocal technique. Her voice is known for being powerful and dynamic, with a wide range that allows her to hit high notes with ease. To sing like Natalie, you’ll need to work on developing your own vocal range and control.

  • Take Singing Carrots’ vocal range test ( to identify your own range and compare it with famous singers.
  • Work on stretching your range with exercises and techniques.

Breathing is also a crucial part of Natalie’s singing technique. To sing like her, you’ll need to focus on breath support and control.

In addition to her vocal technique, Natalie is known for her emotional performances. To learn how to sing like Natalie, you’ll need to work on connecting emotionally with your music.

Finally, you can study Natalie’s songs to learn more about her unique vocal style.

  • Some great songs to start with include “In Better Hands,” “Held,” and “Clean.”
  • Use Singing Carrots’ song search tool ( to access songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences.

Overall, learning to sing like Natalie Grant takes time and practice. But with the right training and resources, you can develop your own vocal style and become a powerful and expressive singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.