Singing Guide: Mumm-ra

Singing Guide: Mumm-ra

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to sing like Mumm-ra, the British indie-rock band from Brighton, you need to develop a distinct style of singing, incorporating an emotive and powerful delivery with a somewhat crooning quality. Incorporating a unique vibrato, Mumm-ra's lead singer James "Tate" Arguile's voice adds to the band's distinct sound.

To develop this style of singing, you must first learn how to analyze your voice range and understand your vocal type. Singing Carrots' vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range, comparing it with famous singers. The test can guide you to understand the range of notes Tate sings and if you have a similar vocal style.

Understanding the breath support, breath control, voice registers, and vocal breaks can enable you to develop a booming, confident voice like Tate. Articles like Breathing Basics, Breath Support, and Voice Registers & Vocal Break from Singing Carrots' blog can help you learn more about voice control and breathing techniques that will help you sing like Mumm-ra.

Using warm-ups that focus on breathing exercises, pitch accuracy, and mouth articulation can help you build your vocal strength. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is a great way to develop and control your breath support and warm up with Twang exercise can help improve your range and power.

Mumm-ra’s most popular songs like She's Got You High and Out of the Question showcase Tate's distinctive voice. Try your voice's note-by-note articulation on the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool to identify where your tone differs from Tate's, improving your pitch accuracy.

The Pitch Training educational singing game can help you enhance your pitch accuracy further and practice every day, while the Song search tool can help you search for songs that match your vocal range, music genre preference, and filling your playlist with similar songs.

You should also learn how to perform on stage with confidence; tips for performing on stage and overcoming stage fright can be found on Singing Carrots blog.

Learning to sing like Mumm-ra can be a rewarding experience, and Singing Carrots’ educational singing course's 21-lesson program helped thousands of beginners to find their own authentic voice. Visit Singing Carrots and explore their tools and articles to realize your singing potential.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.