Singing Guide: Morcheeba

Singing Guide: Morcheeba

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learn to Sing Like Morcheeba

Do you want to learn how to sing like Skye Edwards from Morcheeba? Skye is known for her soulful, jazzy voice that perfectly complements the band's laid-back, down-tempo style. In this article, we'll go over Skye's unique vocal style, suggest some practical exercises, and outline some relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Unique Vocal Style

Skye's voice is effortlessly smooth and loungy, with a sultry, smoky quality. She has a wide vocal range and can effortlessly move from deep, rich lows to airy, breathy highs. That being said, Skye's vocal style is characterized by restraint. She rarely goes for the big, show-stopping notes, and instead prefers to let her voice ebb and flow with the music.

One of Skye's trademarks is her phrasing. She likes to play with timing, using rests and pauses to great effect. Skye also uses vibrato sparingly, but when she does deploy it, it’s tasteful and expressive.

Practical Exercises

To start singing like Skye Edwards, you'll want to focus on your breathing, phrasing, and vibrato. Here are some exercises to help you develop these skills:

  • For breathing practice, try the Farinelli Breathing Exercise
  • To work on phrasing, practice singing the melody of a song with plenty of rests and pauses. A great Morcheeba song to work with would be "Big Calm," with its slow, jazzy groove and spacious arrangements.
  • For vibrato practice, try following along with Skye's vocals on Beggars Bounce. Pay attention to how she uses vibrato sparingly to add texture and character to her voice.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots has many tools and resources to help you develop your singing skills, including:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.