Singing Guide: Millow

Singing Guide: Millow

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Millow is a Dutch singer-songwriter who uses a breathy voice quality, soft falsettos, and unique vocal stylings to create an intimate and personal sound. Her songs are typically stripped down and acoustic, focusing on her emotive storytelling and poetic lyrics.

To learn how to sing like Millow, the first step is to analyze your own voice. Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range, and then compare it to Millow's style. Millow's songs often feature a lot of high falsetto notes and soft, airy tones, so it's important to work on breath support and control.

One of Millow's unique vocal techniques is her use of breathiness and whispery tones. Singing Carrots' blog post on breathing basics and breath support will be helpful to achieve this technique. Strive to practice active breathing and opening your mouth and throat while singing.

Millow also uses a lot of mixed voice, moving seamlessly between head and chest voice. Check out Singing Carrots' resources on voice registers and vocal breaks to help master this technique.

For practical exercises, Singing Carrots offers pitch accuracy tests and vocal pitch monitors to help you hone your pitch and train your ear. For warm ups, try Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing.

Finally, dive into Millow's music to get a sense of her style and sound. Her songs "Ayo Technology," "The End," and "You and Me" demonstrate her unique brand of delicate and heartfelt intimacy.

By analyzing your own voice, working on breath support and control, and learning Millow's unique vocal techniques, you'll be on your way to singing like this talented artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.