Singing Guide: Miley Cyrus

Singing Guide: Miley Cyrus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Miley Cyrus's Vocal Style: Learning to Sing Like Her in Five Steps

Miley Cyrus is a powerhouse performer who has been in the limelight since her teens. Her unique vocal style is a mix of country, pop, and rock influences that she mold into her signature sound.

Step 1: Identify Your Voice Type

Miley Cyrus has a wide vocal range that spans four octaves, from G#3 to Bb7. Thus, the first step to singing like Miley Cyrus is identifying your voice type. Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to discover your dominant and comfortable vocal range.

Step 2: Master Your Breathing Technique

Breathing is essential for good singing, and Miley Cyrus's signature singing style is characterized by excellent breath control and support. Explore Singing Carrots's breathing basics article and find exercises for building breath support capacity.

Step 3: Work on Your Voice Registers

Miley Cyrus's signature vocal technique involves effortless transitions between head voice and chest voice. Study the voice registers and vocal breaks and learn how to use your mixed voice properly. You can also use the voice registers/mixed voice/voice break exercise and the chest voice explained exercise video from Singing Carrots to develop your range.

Step 4: Use Your Resonance

Miley Cyrus's voice resonates through her chest, head, and nasal cavities. Explore the Singing Carrots resonance in singing article and get tips on how to get vibrancy in your singing voice.

Step 5: Learn Popular Miley Cyrus Songs

A great way to practice singing like Miley Cyrus is to learn some of her popular songs. "The Climb," "Wrecking Ball," and "Party in the USA" all showcase her unique style. Use the Singing Carrots song search tool to find songs that fall within your vocal range. You can also create playlists using the Song-book feature for your practice.

Singing like Miley Cyrus will take time and effort, but by following these steps, you can start honing your vocal skills. To add extra value to your practice, use the pitch accuracy test and vocal pitch monitor from Singing Carrots to keep track of your progress. Don't forget to explore the Singing Carrots educational singing course for more tips and tricks.


Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.