Singing Guide: Miike Snow

Singing Guide: Miike Snow

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning How to Sing like Miike Snow

Miike Snow is one of the most captivating bands today when it comes to their unique sound and the vocals of their lead singer, Andrew Wyatt. If you’ve been inspired by his impactful voice, let’s dive into how you can try and achieve his vocal style and sound like a pro.

Understanding Andrew Wyatt's Style

Wyatt's voice has a distinctive, unnatural vibrato, which is similar to the sound of an instrument rather than a voice. This gives their music a unique edge. His vocals are often layered and mixed in with various effects, making it sound almost like a different instrument all together, raising the stakes for singers who attempt to emulate him.

The Right Exercise Routine

It's essential to have a proper exercise routine to sound like Andrew Wyatt. One of the exercises helpful in achieving this sound is doing vocal runs on "AH" because it strengthens the vocals, makes the pitch perfect, and encourages you to control your breath. You can utilize Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test to monitor your progress.

Aside from that, using his music to practice singing is an excellent way to adopt his style. Among his most significant hits are "Genghis Khan" and "Animal," which have recognizable and distinct sounds. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor to pick apart the nuances in the songs and help you recreate these sounds to your liking.

Vocal Techniques

Miike Snow uses heavy modulation in his music, and Wyatt is a master of this technique. So to sing like him, you need to learn how to modulate heavy notes where you're emphasizing and using vibrato. Check out this article on 'Contemporary Vocal Techniques' by Singing Carrots for additional information. Practicing the Twang Technique mentioned in the video How to Twang Exercise is an excellent way to improve your modulating abilities.

Warm-up Techniques

Before attempting to emulate Wyatt’s style, make sure to warm up properly to avoid injuring your vocal cords with singing. For some simple and effective techniques to warm up, Singing Carrots offers fantastic suggestions that can be found here. These tips are great for avoiding constrictions while singing.

Find Your Own Authenticity

Remember, while emulating Andrew Wyatt's singing style is commendable, don't forget the importance of finding your voice. He is a unique artist with an iconic sound that can inspire others, but singing like him won't make you stand out if you don't find your authentic voice. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses while singing is the key to finding your voice.


Miike Snow's lead singer, Andrew Wyatt, has an iconic and complex sound that is hard to replicate. But with the right techniques, exercise routine, and warm-up techniques, you can become closer to sounding like him. Keep practicing, have a positive mindset, and stay true to yourself, and maybe one day, your singing will inspire others as well.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.