Singing Guide: Metallica

Singing Guide: Metallica

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like James Hetfield from Metallica

James Hetfield, the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Metallica, is known for his unique combination of aggressive singing and powerful guitar riffs. Hetfield's vocals are characterized by his aggressive and raw style, which perfectly complements the heavy metal music of the band.

Developing the Aggressive Style

The first step in singing like James Hetfield is to develop a powerful and aggressive singing style. Begin by practicing the following exercises:

These exercises will help you to develop the raw, powerful voice required for Hetfield's style of singing.

Hetfield's Unique Vocal Technique

One of Hetfield's most distinctive vocal techniques is his use of a combination of singing and shouting to create a unique, aggressive sound. Practice the following exercises to develop this technique:

These exercises will help you to perfect the combination between singing and shouting, which is a key element of Hetfield's unique vocal style.

Practical Advice

Incorporate the following tips in your daily practice sessions to improve your singing like James Hetfield:


If you are looking to begin singing Metallica songs and capture Hetfield's style, begin by practicing the exercises listed above and incorporate the practical tips in your daily routine. Keep in mind that Hetfield's singing style is aggressive, raw, and requires a great deal of breathing support and support voice, but with time and dedication it can be achieved.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.