Singing Guide: Maria McKee

Singing Guide: Maria McKee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Maria McKee is an American singer-songwriter who began her career in the 1980s and is known for her powerful vocals and emotional performances.

Learning to sing like Maria McKee requires a deep understanding of her unique vocal style, as well as the ability to convey emotion through your voice.

In this article, we'll explore some of the key elements of Maria McKee's vocal technique and provide some practical tips and resources to help you develop your own singing voice.

Vocal Range

Maria McKee's vocal range is expansive, spanning several octaves. She is known for her powerful belting style, as well as her ability to sing in a softer, more delicate tone.

To begin learning to sing like Maria McKee, it's important to find your own vocal range. The Singing Carrots vocal range test is a great place to start. Once you know your range, you can begin to explore the different elements of Maria McKee's vocal style.


Maria McKee is known for her emotional performances, and her ability to convey a wide range of emotions through her singing.

To develop this aspect of your own singing style, it's important to connect with the lyrics of the songs you are singing. Choose songs that have a personal meaning to you, and practice singing them with a focus on conveying the emotions behind the lyrics. The Singing Carrots song search tool is a great resource for finding songs that match your vocal range and emotional style.

Vocal Technique

Maria McKee's vocal technique is characterized by her powerful, belting style, as well as her use of vibrato and breath control.

To begin incorporating some of these elements into your own singing, start by focusing on your breath control. The Singing Carrots breathing basics article provides a great introduction to this important aspect of singing.

You can also use the Farinelli breathing exercise to help build your breath control.

Once you have a strong foundation in breath control, you can begin to work on developing your vibrato. The Singing Carrots article on singing with vibrato provides some great tips and exercises for developing this technique.

Song Selection

Maria McKee's discography is filled with powerful, emotional songs that showcase her vocal range and style.

To begin learning to sing like Maria McKee, choose a few of her songs to practice. Some great choices include "Show Me Heaven," "If Love Is a Red Dress," and "I'm Gonna Soothe You."

The Singing Carrots song-book tool can help you find linked lyrics, sheet music, and other resources for learning these songs.

In addition to practicing Maria McKee's songs, it's important to develop your own unique singing voice. The Singing Carrots educational singing course is a great resource for developing your voice and learning the fundamentals of singing.

Learning to sing like Maria McKee is a process that takes time and practice. By focusing on your vocal technique, connecting with the emotions behind the lyrics, and choosing the right songs to practice, you can begin to develop your own powerful and emotional singing style. Use the Singing Carrots resources to help guide you on your journey towards becoming a great singer like Maria McKee.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.