Singing Guide: Maneskin

Singing Guide: Maneskin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Maneskin's vocalist Damiano David, you need to focus on some specific factors that contribute to his unique vocal style. In this article, we'll explore Damiano David's singing technique and the range of skills and talents he brings to his music.

One of the most distinctive things about David's voice is his use of distortion and raspiness, especially in his higher range. This is a signature style in much of Maneskin's music, giving it an edgy, rock and roll sound. To get this effect in your voice, you can practice using vocal distortion techniques, like those featured in this article on Singing Carrots.

Another key element of David's singing is his impressive range, going from a low, gravelly sound to a high, falsetto register. To work on expanding your vocal range, you can try Singing Carrots' Range Test, which will help you identify what your current range is and will provide exercises to gradually broaden your reach.

Breathing is also incredibly important for any singer, but is especially key if you want to hold powerful notes like David. Singing Carrots has many articles on breathing techniques, but this one is a great starting point. The article explains how you should practice daily breathing exercises to have better breath support and control.

David's performances frequently involve powerful, sustained notes held over long phrases. To improve your endurance and practice holding notes longer, you can use Singing Carrots' Sustain Vocal video exercise.

With regards to posture, David principally stands straight, making good use of his microphone stand and moving a lot on stage. You can learn more about how posture affects your singing with Singing Carrots' article on the topic.

Finally, to learn about the key performance elements that David is known for, take a look at Singing Carrots' Tips for Performing on Stage article. Here, you'll learn all about the importance of connecting with your audience, using hand gestures, and establishing your presence on stage.

One song that perfectly showcases David's vocal range and rock-star flair is "Beggin'" - you can sing along to it using Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test, which will let you assess your pitch accuracy by matching the Melody while you're singing it, allowing to improve your pitch accuracy while singing along.

In conclusion, to learn how to sing like Damiano David, it's essential to experiment with vocal distortion, work on your breathing and posture, expand your range, practice sustainable note-taking, and develop a confident, engaging stage presence. These resources from Singing Carrots can help you discover your own signature style while staying true to David's distinctive sound and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.