Singing Guide: Mandisa

Singing Guide: Mandisa

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mandisa is a Grammy-nominated contemporary Christian pop singer who has inspired many with her powerful vocals and inspiring lyrics. Her music has a unique blend of gospel, pop, and rock that can be challenging to emulate, but with proper vocal techniques and training, you can develop a voice like hers.

One of Mandisa's unique vocal qualities is her ability to express deep emotion through her voice. Her powerful messages come through in songs such as "Unfinished" and "Overcomer." To develop this quality, it's essential to focus on your breath support and control. Singing exercises like "Farinelli Breathing" can help develop breath control and improve tone.

Another of Mandisa's unique qualities is her ability to hit high notes effortlessly. To achieve this, you can work on your vocal range by using Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test. This will help you find your comfortable range and target areas that need improvement. Additionally, practicing "Sustain Vocal" exercises can help you hit and hold high notes.

When you sing like Mandisa, your chest voice will be your best friend. To improve your chest voice, you need to use the proper posture, proper open mouth and throat techniques as well as improving your voice register while avoiding constrictions. "Chest Voice Explained," "Open Mouth & Throat," and "Breath Support" blog articles can provide you with practical techniques to improve chest voice.

Mandisa's vocal style is perfect for contemporary Christian pop, but your talent is unique, so you could want to explore other styles like jazz, pop, or heavy modal. "Classical vs Pop/Jazz Singing" and "Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting," blog articles can provide you with insights into different singing styles and vocal techniques.

No matter which area of your singing you are working on, we recommend Singing Carrots Pitch Training and the Interactive Vocal Warm-ups for practical solutions. Also, to truly learn to sing like Mandisa, we recommend working with Singing Carrots "Singing Course". It covers all aspects of singing theory and practical tips.

In summary, to learn to sing like Mandisa, you need to focus on your breath and tone control, chest voice, and vocal range, practice open mouth and throat exercises, and explore different vocal techniques. Additionally, use Singing Carrots resources like Vocal Range Test, Pitch Training, and Singing Course to develop your singing skills.

Good luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.