Singing Guide: Madcon

Singing Guide: Madcon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn how to sing like Madcon, you need to be able to master their unique blend of pop, hip hop, and soul music. One of the most notable features of their music is the use of both rapping and singing throughout their songs. This creates a dynamic sound that is both energetic and smooth.

To emulate Madcon's singing technique, it's recommended to start by listening to a range of their songs and trying to identify the way they use their voice. This is particularly important when it comes to the hip hop style that is common throughout their music. Pay attention to the rhythm and cadence of their vocal delivery to replicate it accurately.

Madcon are also known for their use of harmonies. In order to achieve this, you may need to practice singing alongside someone else, using different vocal registers and techniques to create a more complex sound.

Breathing is key to achieving Madcon's unique singing style. By practicing breathing exercises, you can develop the stamina and control needed to rap and sing with precision and consistency. Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and breath support can be helpful resources here.

For practical exercises, Singing Carrots' pitch training and range test can help you to work on your vocal control and determine your vocal range, while the vocal pitch monitor can be an effective way to measure your progress. Additionally, the course on singing for beginners can provide a foundational knowledge of singing technique.

In terms of songs to learn, check out Madcon's hit single "Beggin". This song is a great example of their blend of rap and singing, as well as their use of harmonies. Other notable songs to practice include "Don't Worry", featuring Ray Dalton, and "Freaky Like Me", featuring Ameerah.

Remember to practice regularly, focusing on elements such as breathing, rhythm, and delivery to capture Madcon's unique sound. By using the resources available on Singing Carrots, you can develop the skills needed to sing like Madcon and take your vocal abilities to exciting new heights.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.