Singing Guide: Macklemore

Singing Guide: Macklemore

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Macklemore is an artist known for his unique style of rap that blends traditional rap music with pop and dance elements. To learn to sing like Macklemore, it's essential to understand his vocal technique and the style of music that he often sings.

Macklemore's voice is characterized by its distinctively nasal sound, which results from his unique approach towards breath control and breathing techniques.

Macklemore's singing style relies heavily on the use of his diaphragm and chest voice, which allows him to create powerful and energetic vocal performances. To develop a similar vocal style, it's crucial to work on techniques that improve breath control and diaphragmatic support. Singing Carrots' resources on breathing basics and breath support can be helpful in this regard.

Another essential element of Macklemore's singing style is his skill in rapping and spoken-word delivery. To learn to rap like Macklemore, focus on developing your ability to articulate your consonants and produce rhythmic and syncopated patterns. The "finger bite" articulation exercise video can be helpful in this regard.

A great way to practice and perfect your singing style is by learning and performing Macklemore's songs. Some of his most iconic and popular songs, such as "Thrift Shop" and "Can't Hold Us," showcase his unique singing style and rapping technique. Additionally, Singing Carrots' song search can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and musical style preferences.

Finally, to improve your overall musicianship and performance skills, consider taking an educational singing course. Singing Carrots' "Singing for Beginners" course covers the fundamentals of singing theory, including breathing techniques, voice registers, vocal range, and stage performance tips.

In conclusion, to learn how to sing like Macklemore, focus on developing a confident and energetic singing style that emphasizes breath control, diaphragm support, and rhythmic articulation. With practice and the help of Singing Carrots' resources, you can perfect your singing skills and add your unique flair to Macklemore's iconic sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.