Singing Guide: Loreena McKennitt

Singing Guide: Loreena McKennitt

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Loreena McKennitt is a Canadian singer, songwriter, and harpist known for her eclectic fusion of Celtic, Middle Eastern, and folk styles. She is an expert storyteller and her music often includes extensive texts from literary and traditional sources.

If you want to learn how to sing like Loreena McKennitt, it’s important to understand her unique vocal style. Her voice is ethereal, haunting, and full of emotional depth. To achieve this sound, it’s essential to work on skills such as breath control, pitch accuracy, and vibrato.

One of the most distinctive aspects of McKennitt’s music is her use of the harp. If you’re interested in incorporating this instrument into your own music, it’s worth investing in lessons or doing some research online to learn more about playing techniques.

Breathing Basics

Breath control is a key element of Loreena McKennitt's singing style. To learn more about how to improve your breath support, check out this Singing Carrots article.

Voice registers and vocal break

To sing with the same ease and range as Loreena McKennitt, you need to develop your vocal registers. Understanding your voice type and how to transition through the registers is essential. Check out this Singing Carrots article to learn more.


Loreena McKennitt uses vibrato to add an emotional depth to her music. If you want to learn how to develop your own vibrato, check out this video from Singing Carrots.

Open mouth and throat

Learning to sing with an open mouth and throat is essential to achieving Loreena McKennitt's sound. To learn more about why this is important, check out this Singing Carrots article.

Song choice

To truly capture the essence of a singer like Loreena McKennitt, it's important to choose songs that showcase their unique style. Check out Singing Carrots’ song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Vocal ranges of famous singers

Learning about the vocal ranges of famous singers can help you understand your own voice better. To explore the vocal ranges of over 5000 singers, check out this Singing Carrots resource.

Educational singing course

If you’re serious about developing your singing skills and understanding the theory behind it, Singing Carrots’ singing course is a great place to start.

Loreena McKennitt has a unique and haunting vocal style that many aspire to emulate. By developing your breath control, honing your pitch accuracy, and studying her music and technique, you'll be well on your way to singing like a true Celtic storyteller.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.