Singing Guide: Loreen

Singing Guide: Loreen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Loreen is a Swedish artist with a powerful and unique singing style that combines pop and electronic music with soulful vocals. Known for her emotive performances and distinct vocal techniques, Loreen's music has won critical acclaim and supportive fans.

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Loreen, it's essential to master the skills of vocal control and expression. Here are some ways to follow in her footsteps:

  • Vocal Range: Loreen's vocal range is extensive, and her songs often showcase her ability to switch between her chest voice and head voice effortlessly. To achieve this level of control, practice vocal exercises that focus on breath support, throat relaxation, and vocal range expansion.
  • Chest voice/Head voice: Loreen is an excellent example of a singer who moves effortlessly between chest voice and head voice, known as a "mixed voice". This technique allows singers to achieve the best of both worlds vocally and create an impressive range. Start by warming up your voice and then moving through different notes and pitches with a focus on the transition between chest and head voice.
  • Vibrato: Loreen's unique vibrato technique is a hallmark of her singing style. To achieve this sound, start by practicing with a relaxed throat, and emphasize the "fluttering" sound that occurs naturally when air passes through a relaxed throat.
  • Breath control: Good breath control is essential for any singer, and Loreen is no exception. Incorporate exercises that focus on taking deep breaths, diaphragmatic breathing, and breath control techniques to improve your singing performance.
  • Emotional expression: Loreen's performances are known for their emotional intensity, and her voice often quivers with the depth of emotion. To achieve this type of intensity, practice connecting with the emotion of the song and experimenting with different vocal techniques to bring that emotion to life.

In addition to these skills, here are some of Loreen's most iconic songs that showcase her unique vocal techniques:

  • Euphoria
  • Heal
  • Statements
  • My Heart is Refusing Me

To improve your skills and reach your singing goals, Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources that can help you, including:

By combining practical advice and Singing Carrots' vocal training resources, you're on your way to learning how to sing like Loreen and achieving your singing goals!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.