Singing Guide: Longpigs

Singing Guide: Longpigs

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Crispin Hunt

Crispin Hunt has a unique, emotive voice with a distinctive vibrato and powerful falsetto that evokes strong emotions in listeners. If you want to emulate his style and develop your own unique singing voice, you can benefit from the following advice and resources.

Practice Your Breathing, Range, and Vocal Registers

Before you start learning Crispin-style songs, you should evaluate and develop your singing basics. Make sure you are familiar with your vocal range using the Vocal range test. Once you know your vocal range, you can explore the types of songs that will be suitable for your abilities.

Since Crispin Hunt often utilizes his falsetto, it would be useful to also get familiar with voice registers and vocal breaks. A breathing basics course can help you improve your breath control and sustain notes.

Sing Some Longpigs Songs

If you want to learn singing like Crispin Hunt, it's vital to study the discography of Longpigs. You can start with the classics "On and On", "Lost Myself", and "She Said." These tracks showcase Crispin's expressive vocal range, clever lyrics, and unusual song structures. You can use Singing Carrots' Song search and find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and music genre preference.

Analyze Crispin Hunt's Unique Vocal Technique

Crispin Hunt often adds different vocal techniques to his singing style. You can analyze his techniques and imitate them in your own singing. The blog post on twang technique can help improve your singing, and the article on growling technique can also be beneficial. Additionally, check out the article on singing with vibrato to improve your control and precision.

Additional Advice

Longpigs' music can be described as a combination of pop, rock, folk, and indie, which blends well together. Making use of searchable vocal ranges of famous singers can help you find new songs that match your range and genre preference.

To learn how to perform on stage similar to Crispin Hunt in Longpigs, check out the blogpost on tips for performing on stage and the article on how to overcome stage fright.


Learning to sing like Crispin Hunt requires dedication and patience, but with consistent practice and following the practical advice and resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can develop your voice and create your unique singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.