Singing Guide: Live

Singing Guide: Live

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury is one of the greatest singers of all time, known for his unique vocal range, energy onstage, and iconic songs. His singing style is characterized by his strong chest voice, belting, vibrato, and use of falsetto. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Freddie Mercury.

Vocal range

Freddie Mercury had an exceptional vocal range of four octaves, from bass F2 to soprano F6. To discover your own range, you can take Singing Carrots' range test. This will help you find the highest and lowest notes you can sing and compare them to Freddie's range.


Breathing is a crucial aspect of singing, and Freddie Mercury used both active and passive breathing to support his voice. He would take deep belly breaths before singing to fill his lungs with all the air he could hold and let it out slowly and steadily during the phrase. Practice breathing exercises, such as Farinelli Breathing, to improve your lung capacity and control.

Voice registers and vocal break

Freddie Mercury often used chest voice, but he had a smooth transition between chest and head voice. This allowed him to produce the iconic high notes he was famous for, without straining his voice. To practice this, you can try the Voice Break and Mixed Voice exercises from Singing Carrots.


Freddie Mercury was also known for his distinct articulation and use of consonants. Practice the Finger Bite exercise to improve your clarity and diction.


Freddie Mercury was a master performer and used his charisma to captivate his audiences. Singing is not only about technique but also about communicating with the audience and telling a story. To practice stage performance, watch his live performances and take notes on how he moved and interacted with the crowd.

Singing Carrots Resources


To learn singing like Freddie Mercury, you must learn his iconic songs. Here are some of them:

  • Bohemian Rhapsody: This song showcases his wide vocal range and use of falsetto.
  • Somebody to Love: This song is known for its gospel choir harmonies, which require strong chest voice and good vibrato.
  • We Are the Champions: This song is a classic anthem that requires both powerful singing and sensitivity in its delivery.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Freddie Mercury takes time, patience, and dedication. By practicing breathing, voice registers, articulation, performance, and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can develop your singing skills and become a better singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.