Singing Guide: Lior

Singing Guide: Lior

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Lior

Lior is an Israeli-Australian singer-songwriter known for his unique blend of folk, pop, and world music. His emotive and soulful voice has captivated audiences worldwide, and he's a great artist to learn from if you're looking to improve your singing skills. In this article, we'll dive into Lior's signature vocal techniques and highlight some of his best songs to help you get started.

Emotion and Intention

One of the standout features of Lior's singing is the amount of emotion and intention he puts into every note. Whether he's singing a slow ballad or an upbeat pop song, he always manages to convey a sense of heartfelt sincerity that resonates with listeners. To incorporate this level of emotion into your singing, try practicing with songs that you feel a strong personal connection to. Focus on conveying the emotion of the lyrics through your voice and phrasing, and experiment with different vocal inflections to see what feels most authentic to your own style.

Breath Support

Lior's voice has a rich, warm quality that comes from his excellent breath support. In his live performances, you can see him taking deep, diaphragmatic breaths before each phrase, which allows him to sustain his notes for longer periods and maintain a consistent tone quality. To improve your own breath support, try practicing diaphragmatic breathing exercises such as the Farinelli breathing or the Sustain vocal exercise. Focus on keeping your stomach and diaphragm engaged as you inhale, and notice how this helps you produce a more powerful and controlled sound.


Lior's vibrato is another defining characteristic of his voice. He uses it to add a sense of warmth and texture to his singing, particularly on sustained notes. To develop your own vibrato, practice with exercises such as the Beggars Bounce or the Diaphragm Bounce, which can help you achieve a more relaxed and natural vibrato. Remember to focus on maintaining a steady level of breath support as you sing, and avoid forcing your voice to waver or shake.


Lior's singing style is characterized by clear and precise articulation, which allows the audience to understand every word he sings. To improve your own articulation, try practicing exercises such as the Finger Bite, which can help you develop a more precise and distinct diction. Focus on forming each consonant and vowel sound clearly, and experiment with different tongue and lip positions to see what works best for your voice.

Songs to Practice

To get started on your Lior-inspired singing journey, here are a few of his best songs to practice:

  • "This Old Love" - This song features a beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics that showcase Lior's emotional intensity.
  • "I'll Forget You" - A slower ballad that allows Lior's vibrato and breath support to shine.
  • "Daniel" - A more upbeat tune that features Lior's skilled vocal phrasing and articulation.

Singing Carrots Resources

To further develop your singing skills and learn more about Lior's unique vocal style, be sure to check out these Singing Carrots resources:

  • Vocal range test - determine your vocal range and compare it to famous singers
  • Pitch accuracy test - assess your pitch accuracy with simple melodies
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor - see your sung notes on a virtual piano
  • Pitch Training - interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility
  • Song search - find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.